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Is Fruit Destroying Your Smile?

added on: January 24, 2022

If you ask any doctor or dentist in Cedar Rapids, you’ll probably hear them say that it’s important to eat a well-balanced diet, including fruits and vegetables. These healthy foods are high in nutrients that can help keep your body in tip-top shape. However, could it be true that something so good for you may also be bad for your smile? Let’s take a look at whether fruit is good or bad for your teeth and how you can continue to reap its many health benefits.

Acid & Sugar

Fruit, while healthy and powerful in fueling our bodies, also naturally contains sugar. As everyone knows, sugar isn’t a friend of your dentist in Cedar Rapids. You see, when we eat foods with sugar, we essentially feed the bacteria in our mouths. As a result, these bacteria produce an acidic byproduct. The acid can wear down tooth enamel and leave teeth more susceptible to decay and other problems. Some signs of tooth enamel erosion include: 

  • Increased Tooth Sensitivity
  • Cracking Teeth
  • Tooth Discoloration
  • Transparent Teeth

Schedule an appointment with your dentist in Cedar Rapids if you suspect enamel erosion. 

Should You Forego Fruit?

In short, fruit is a necessary part of a healthy diet and you shouldn’t pass on it simply because there are minor risks to your oral health. However, there are things you can do to reduce the potential negative side effects of fruit. 

  • Choose Wisely

When selecting a piece of fruit to enjoy, consider those that contain a lot of water. Fruits like apples, pears, watermelon, and cantaloupe are all great choices.  

  • Enjoy in Moderation

There are also some types of fruit that you can enjoy but should do so in moderation. Citrus fruits and sour fruits, such as grapefruit, lemons, limes, and pineapple are both sugary and already acidic, making them more likely to cause enamel erosion 

  • Pass on the Juice

Drinking fruit juice may seem like an easier way to get the benefits of fruit without the hassle of eating fruit. But be wary. Fruit juice usually contains higher amounts of sugar and can coat your teeth easily. 

  • Rinse with Water

After you eat fruit or drink fruit juice, we recommend rinsing your mouth out with water. This can help wash away sugars and neutralize acids. 

Remember, your diet is a key part of your oral health and you should eat well-balanced meals, including fruits and vegetables. Additionally, make sure you brush and floss your teeth every day and see a dentist near you at least twice a year.  

About The Author
Dr. Blaine Mclaughlin

Dr. Blaine McLaughlin is a cosmetic and family dentist dedicated to transforming patient experiences. He adopts new technology in his practice to provide exceptional patient care and specializes in cosmetic dentistry by earning a fellowship at the renowned Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI). Dr. McLaughlin has finished several advanced courses at LVI, including practical occlusion, neuromuscular orthodontics, and aesthetic reconstruction.