Nearly 50% of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. You may also hear your dentist in Cedar Rapids refer to gum disease as gingivitis. So what’s the difference between gum disease and gingivitis, and how can you tell if you have one or the… Read More
Even though your dentist in Cedar Rapids is all about keeping your mouth healthy, the truth is, proper nutrition and good oral health go hand-in-hand. This is why, during this National Nutrition Month, we want to do our part to raise awareness of the importance of eating right. On A Nutrition Mission When it comes… Read More
Any type of ongoing tooth pain usually means something isn’t quite right. But does that mean every toothache requires a visit to your dentist in Cedar Rapids? The short answer — probably. However, if your pain lasts for 2 or more days, isn’t reduced with painkillers, and is paired with swelling or a bad taste… Read More
The past year or so has been… interesting, to say the least. With lockdowns, working from home, schooling from home, and everything in between, it’s only normal to feel more stressed than usual. But during these times of increased stress, it’s more important than ever to take care of your health. After all, stress can… Read More
Over the past several months, seeing facemasks everywhere we go has become the norm. For the foreseeable future, these facemasks will continue to be a part of our lives to help stop the spread of COVID-19. But this change in our daily routines can have a side effect that directly involves your dentist in Cedar… Read More
It’s easy to put off taking care of yourself. After all, we all know what it’s like when work, life, family, and other obligations get in the way. However, we’ve just turned the calendar on a new year, and it’s tradition to set some resolutions for yourself now for the rest of the year. Many… Read More
A dull and achy throb. A sharp zinging pain. A swollen face and unbearable agony. These are some common ways our patients have described a toothache. Even though nobody ever wants to experience a toothache, your dentist in Cedar Rapids knows that, unfortunately, they happen to just about everyone at least once. While the cause… Read More
Many everyday things can cause tooth staining, from your daily cup of coffee to your nightly glass of red wine. But don’t worry, your dentist in Cedar Rapids has some good news. You don’t necessarily need to stop enjoying all the things that can stain your teeth. In fact, there are several things you can… Read More
Many smokers try to disguise their habit by covering up the smell with gum, mints, or mouthwash. But the truth is, your dentist in Cedar Rapids can probably still tell that you’re a smoker even if you don’t share that information. In actuality, there’s a lot your dentist can tell about you and your health… Read More
Every time you visit your dentist in Cedar Rapids you will most likely review your health history and discuss any changes that may have happened since your last appointment. This is an important part of making sure you get the best dental care, but why? Your dentist needs to know what may be going on… Read More