As much of the world has transitioned from in-person meetings to Zoom meetings, people have all of a sudden started looking at themselves way more than they ever did before. While video meetings such as Zoom can be a great help in today’s confusing world, it can be uncomfortable staring at yourself day in and… Read More
It’s easy to put off taking care of yourself. After all, we all know what it’s like when work, life, family, and other obligations get in the way. However, we’ve just turned the calendar on a new year, and it’s tradition to set some resolutions for yourself now for the rest of the year. Many… Read More
Many everyday things can cause tooth staining, from your daily cup of coffee to your nightly glass of red wine. But don’t worry, your dentist in Cedar Rapids has some good news. You don’t necessarily need to stop enjoying all the things that can stain your teeth. In fact, there are several things you can… Read More
Crooked or overcrowded teeth are incredibly common across people of all ages. Some of these people may feel self-conscious about their crooked grin, while others can feel a greater sense of individuality. But either way, your dentist in Cedar Rapids wants those with crooked teeth to know and understand that there are risks that often… Read More
Everyone knows that things like coffee, tea, and red wine can take your pearly whites and make them appear dull, stained, or discolored. But your dentist in Cedar Rapids wants you to know that there are also foods that can do the opposite and actually make your teeth whiter. Dairy Foods that fall within the… Read More
It’s always about teeth. Are my teeth straight enough? Are my teeth white enough? Is there something stuck in my teeth? But when it comes to achieving that perfect smile, it’s not always about your teeth, so don’t forget about your gums! Uneven gum lines and excess gum tissue can make teeth look too big… Read More
What makes a great smile? You just know one when you see it, right? Because, technically, cosmetic dentistry addresses things like the occlusal plane, incisal edges and demineralization marks. But all you really want is that straight, white, beautiful smile! So, maybe “smile makeover” is an easier way to say all that? Which makes perfect… Read More
Crafting perfect dental implants is a combination of both science and art. Dental implants have been used for tooth replacement since the 1970s. But today’s implant has evolved from a one-size fits all model to a highly customized fit for each patient, each tooth and each situation. What Is a Dental Implant? A dental implant is… Read More
If there are things about your smile that make you uncomfortable or unhappy, it’s time to call Cedar Rapids cosmetic dentist Dr. Blaine McLaughlin and schedule a smile makeover consultation. Dr. McLaughlin is experienced in cosmetic dentistry services and is dedicated to providing each of his patients with the strong, healthy, and attractive smiles they… Read More
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your smile, cosmetic dentistry may be the most effective solution. Marion cosmetic dentist Dr. Blaine McLaughlin is pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry services to men and women living throughout Iowa. If you are ready to take steps to perfect your smile, call us at… Read More