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Schedule Your Next Visit Now

added on: December 18, 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Looking for a New Year’s Resolution? How about committing to your oral health by calling (855) 620-0260 and scheduling your next cleaning and examination with Cedar Rapids dentist Dr. Blaine McLaughlin? Scheduling a dental appointment is often something that slips through the cracks. Call us now to schedule your next appointment and mark one thing off of your 2019 “To Do” list today.

Why Visit the Dentist?

Maybe you brush after every meal and Snack. Maybe you floss twice a day. Maybe you aren’t feeling any tooth sensitivity or experiencing symptoms of oral health issues. So why should you visit the dentist? Because only a professional cleaning can remove tartar and plaque from below the gum line – an essential thing if you want to remain free of gum disease. And only a visit to the dentist allows for early detection of oral health issues such as decay and infection that, when treated early, can easily be dealt with. Waiting to address these minor issues can cause very big problems including tooth loss, bone necrosis, and even heart attack and stroke. With those things in mind, the real question is, “Why would you not visit the dentist every six months?”

If you live in or around Cedar Rapids and are looking for an experienced dentist, please contact Dental Touch Associates today. Dr. McLaughlin welcomes patients of all ages living in Cedar Rapids, Marion, and surrounding areas of Iowa.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

About The Author
Dr. Blaine Mclaughlin

Dr. Blaine McLaughlin is a cosmetic and family dentist dedicated to transforming patient experiences. He adopts new technology in his practice to provide exceptional patient care and specializes in cosmetic dentistry by earning a fellowship at the renowned Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI). Dr. McLaughlin has finished several advanced courses at LVI, including practical occlusion, neuromuscular orthodontics, and aesthetic reconstruction.